Not-stagram 28th -5th July 2021

We’re continuing with our attempt at steering away from Instagram. We’ve definitely spent less time on the gram this week, so that’s definitely a positive. Have we felt better? Well it’s period time in the Cooper household, so no. Ask us in a week.

A: We spent the first part of this week rearranging our house in an attempt to sort out our lives. We also went skateboarding, using my new I’ve-just-turned-30-quarter-life-crisis board, which was a learning experience since we couldn’t even ride it without holding each other’s hands to begin with. Teenage Abi could ollie, but apparently re-learning to skateboard is not like riding a bike.

L: Yeah, I didn’t even have the advantage of being able to skateboard as a teenager (despite my full embracing of 90s skater boy aesthetic) so it was a learning process, also because my knees are bad I was a bit cautious but so long as I don’t fall off this doesn’t count as a High Impact Activity right….? I actually really enjoyed it, learning things as an adult is fun and hard!

A: We also enjoyed an awesome Q&A/ digital zine workshop with lighthouse bookshop as part of Gears for Queers first birthday. You can check out the chat here if you missed it.

L: On the subject of my knees, I had an appointment with the Orthopedic Surgeon at Victoria Hospital in Kirkcaldy this week. I was super nervous about it, but it went ok I think. I think the stress was around basically wanting to ignore the ways that my knees impact my life and are kinda chronically painful. Anyway, it was good to have someone who knew what they were doing looking at my knees (no offense to my GP but he was basically just like – its osteoarthritis, don’t run, good luck) and talking me through the X-Rays. Surgery isn’t going to help the bone spur, and its unlikely to be causing the bulk of the pain. Instead he’s referred me for an MRI to get a better sense of the state of the cartilage, and referred me to physio too in the meantime.

L: Look what came in the post!!! OMG it’s Kirsty Fife’s collected zine writings and boy its beautiful and chunky and I can’t wait to get stuck in.

A: Finally before succumbing to period pains, fatigue and deep sadness, (mitigated by endless video gaming/peep show watching) we completed possibly the most impressive task we’ve ever set our minds too…

We hung a garden gate! With the help of our neighbour/landlord who is very kind and doesn’t get angry when we break her drill bits…


Not-stagram 05/07/2021-12/07/2021


Not-stagram 21-27 June 2021