News Dump 12/12/2021

L: I’m sitting writing this whilst my mum tests Abi on nodes of the heart - she’s got her first exams next week! SO this will be another brief one, that is mostly me, lucky you!

Unlike abi, who tends to structure these chronologically, I like to go by * vibes *

So, below: the building our studio/office is in has a cafe on the ground floor (Merchant’s House cafe in kirkcaldy, would highly recommend for excellent cake, coffee and vegan hot dogs) and they’ve done the wee courtyard out back so pretty for christmas! My favourite breakfast: a tofu hollandaise from 269 Vegan in Dunfermline. I’m no longer working in food/hot beverage preparation so I had my nails done with a gel polish and i love how smooth and hard they are. I think using a new name has made me feel better about doing more ‘femme’ stuff, anyway I went to Polish Me Pretty in edinburgh which is a vegan nail place on easter road, and they were super nice so wld recommend. Lots of bright walks here (look at the sky above the esplanade car park!)

L: Boba continues to be great - and he’s allowed outside without supervision now because he’s had all his jabs and his operation super guilty because I messed up the timing of his flea treatment and it looks like he might have got a mite or something on his neck. I’m a terrible cat parent etc. etc. He’s at war with one of the other cats in the neighbourhood, but seems to be getting on wtith all the others, and he just seems so much happier so that’s nice. We went to IKEA as a treat last week because who doesn’t love their (vegan) meatballs and ligonberry jam, and buying tiny boxes to put in slightly larger boxes and judging all the different home set ups. Funny how they’ve all been adjusted to include home offices! And abi’s been making this lush donburi with aubergine, and this bowl - sushi rice, aubergine, kimchi and spring onions - is everything I probably shouldn’t be eating since my stomach problems appear to be seasonal. Back on the PPIs!

L: I got to visit Blunt Knife Co. on Thistle St in Edinburgh on zine library business but it was super cool and I recommend a visit. Could have bought everything, but had to restrain myself.

And lastly, covid willing we will be at York Zine Fest this Saturday Dec 18th - if you’re nearby come and see us, we’ll have some of the zines that so far have only been available to patreons including hopefulllllly a couple of copies of Gears for Queers: Danube Drift, and loads of other good shit!


Big ol’ update


news drop ! 27th nov !